All About Working Horses With Jim
Hello and welcome to Working Horses with Jim. I started this channel because I wanted to share what I have learned from the years I have spent working with draft horses.
Some may wonder why I use horses in this day and age when there are many more automated, easier, quicker and less strenuous ways to get jobs done. I do it because I love it and I want to pass on what I have learned to anyone else who might be interested. Also, I have learned a lot from the previous generation and would like to help them bring back memories from their past as they watch what I am doing through the videos I share. It’s important to me that I pass on what CAN be done using horses and that a person can still earn a living working with Draft Horses. I also would like to show how machinery and horses can work together, taking the “best of both worlds” to make this more efficient, productive and profitable.
It’s important to me that my horses are able to do all the jobs I ask them to do, whether it be logging, working in the fields on our farm, pulling the sleigh for sleigh rides, or occasionally going to a horse pulling competition.
I invite you to come along with me in my daily life and catch a glimpse of how the horses and I work and interact together. My family is very important to me and so they may show up from time to time in the videos as well. Each one of us has something to share with the world and this is what God has given me to do.
Meet The Horses!
Lady is our 15 yr old Belgian mare. She has been with us since she was a 1 year old filly and was trained here by Jim. In 2023 she had her first foal named Bree. She is due to foal again in June. She has a lot of energy and loves to pull. She works in the woods and fields, and at times has been used single to pull the cultivator in the garden or to pull our 2 seater sleigh.

Bill is our 15 year old Belgian gelding. He was purchased from a friend and has been a faithful worker for the past 4 years. He prefers working in the woods, but works in the fields as well.
Ken is our 13 year old Percheron gelding. Jim bought Ken and his brother Don as weanling colts and trained them. Don, sadly passed away a few years back from colic. Ken is named after a dear neighbor and friend of ours. Ken is very strong but prefers as slower pace than some of the other horses.

Baron Came to our farm in the summer of 2022 as a Registered Suffolk Punch Stallion. He was born June 1, 2019. His sire was Ridgewind Aethling Donald, and his dam was Baldur’s Constitution. Before being gelded in the fall of 2023, semen was extracted and is still available in a limited supply. If you are interested in purchasing semen, contact us at workinghorseswithjim@yahoo.com. Baron has become a dependable member of our team and spent the winter in the woods logging with Bill and has become very strong and capable .
Earl was born in early June 2020. Duke and Earl were born at Ridgewind Suffolk Farm in Essex NY.
Duke is our Suffolk Punch gelding who was born in late July 2020. Duke came to Gordon Family Farm with his half brother, Earl, to begin his training with Jim. He is now a 3 year old and has been trained to drive single, double and has even been hitched together with his two half brothers to pull farm implements. He has a gentle nature and is a pleasure to have on the farm.

Earl was born in early June 2020. Duke and Earl were born at Ridgewind Suffolk Farm in Essex NY.
Earl was born in early June 2020. Duke and Earl were born at Ridgewind Suffolk Farm in Essex NY.

Earl was born in early June 2020. Duke and Earl were born at Ridgewind Suffolk Farm in Essex NY and they are half brothers. Earl is now a 3 year old Suffolk Punch gelding and is in training to be an active working member of our workhorse team along with his brother, Baron and half brother, Duke. Earl is easy going and a pleasure to be around. He is a strong and capable worker.
Bree was born on our farm May 27, 2023. Her mother is Lady our Belgian mare, and her father is Baron, our Suffolk Punch stallion who is now a gelding. Bree is halter trained and leads very well. She enjoys spending time with the other horses and seems to get along well with other horses.